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  • 人生感悟正能量句子

    阅读:100 日期:2024-08-28 10:06:26

    一  人的一生,财富只是一时的朋友,而知己的朋友才是永久的财富;荣誉只是一时的荣耀,做人才是永久的根本;学历只是一时的知识,学习才是永久的智慧.

    In a man's life, wealth is a friend of a moment, and a friend of a confidant is a permanent wealth; honor is a glory of a moment, and being a man is a permanent foundation; education is a temporary knowledge, and learning is a permanent wisdom.

    二  每个人来到这个世界都是独一无二的,所以我们就别把自己看得太轻,因为我们活在这个纷繁的人世间,也别把自己看得太重;不要让太多的昨天占据今天,更不要用今天影响到明天.记住每天要早起,因为明天会更好!

    Everyone comes to this world is unique, so we don't take ourselves too lightly, and because we live in this complicated world, do n' t take ourselves too seriously; don't let too many yesterday occupy today. Do n' t use today to affect tomorrow. Remember to get up early every day, because tomorrow will be better!

    三  自律是成就自己的最好法宝.

    Self-discipline is the best magic weapon to achieve yourself.

    四  人的一生,没有谁的生活是一成不变的.也没有谁的人生是年年如一的;命运如风一般不可捉摸,人生无常,我们皆在其中;我们唯一能做的,就是在有限的生命中,心中有爱,目中有光.

    No one's life is fixed. No one's life is like every year; fate is as unpredictable as the wind, life is impermanent, we are all in it; the only thing we can do is to have love in our hearts and light in our eyes in our limited lives.

    五  人生之路就是播种与收获之路,种下什么,就能收获什么.种下善良的种子,就能收获友谊;种下健康的种子,就能收获健康;种下努力的种子,就能收获精彩人生的果实.

    The road of life is the road of sowing and harvesting. Plant good seeds, you can harvest friendship; plant healthy seeds, you can harvest health; plant hard seeds, you can harvest the fruits of wonderful life.

    六  人生路上,勤奋就会有收获,心存善念,就能感动他人;人生需要勤奋和善良,厚德载物才能走得更远!

    On the road of life, diligence will have harvest, good heart, you can move others; life needs diligence and kindness, virtue to carry things to go further!

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